All of our doctors and nurses will help you deal with new and long-term health problems and illnesses. They will give advice on how you can help yourself, and if needed provide treatment in the surgery or medication. Occasionally a referral to a hospitals may be needed. You will be offered a choice of hospitals where this is available and clinically appropriate.
Patients can see any doctor of their choice in the practice.
For the same ongoing and long-term health problems it is usually best to see the same doctor each time. This helps you get a consistent approach and reduces the need to repeat questions or examinations. It may mean waiting a few more days, but will almost always mean that your care is more effective. If you feel you need to see a doctor urgently it may not always be possible to see your usual doctor.
To see the same doctor, tell the reception staff the name of the doctor who has been seeing you and ask for an appointment with them. If you cannot remember, please ask the reception staff to check.
All appointment requests that come through to the practice are triaged by a trained medical Clinician. If you need to be examined they will then arrange this with you. If you would like a chaperone please speak to the clinician.
When arriving at the surgery for your appointment, always inform reception or use the self check-in.
If you don’t understand what the doctor or nurse says to you, please don’t be afraid to ask for a further explanation. We want to help you, but sometimes we are not aware that you haven't understood. We can also write things down for you or with your permission explain to a relative or a friend to help understanding. We can also text message you with the information.
It can sometimes help to have a partner or friend with you. We are always happy for this and it can help to make sure that you don't forget to mention anything important and remember the discussion that you have had.
Mental health support
A mental health emergency should be taken as seriously as a physical one.
Call 999 if someone's life is at risk, for example, they have seriously injured themselves or taken an overdose, or if you do not feel you can keep yourself or someone else safe.
If you are looking for support with your mental health and wellbeing for you or someone you care for, visit the Kent and Medway’s Mental Wellbeing Information Hub.
Cancelling or changing an appointment
If you can not make your appointment let us know as soon as you can so another patient can book the appointment time. You can cancel your appointment online but if you prefer to make changes then:
If you need help when we are closed
Try the NHS App
You can now use the NHS App, a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services and your GP account on your smartphone or tablet.
You can use the NHS App to check your symptoms and get instant advice, order repeat prescriptions, view your GP medical record and more.
If you already use online access you can continue to use it. You can use the NHS App as well.
For more information go to
Home Visits
We ask our patients to visit the surgery if at all possible, as our doctors can see several patients at the practice in the time it takes to make a single home visit.
Home visits are only offered to patients who are immobile (unable to walk to their front door with assistance) and unable to get to the surgery for medical reasons and whose condition is medically urgent. Home visit requests are reviewed by a doctor and will only be offered to those who are immobile and require urgent review.
Babies and children can be brought to the surgery even when ill and will always be fitted in quickly if necessary.
To request a home visit, please:
- Call the surgery on 01634 854431 before 10.30am.
- Be prepared to tell the receptionist about your condition so we can prioritise the most urgent cases and arrange the most appropriate course of action.
- Ensure the surgery has up to date details of your address and telephone number.