The DWP has issued strict guidelines for doctors to follow when issuing Fitness for Work notes (formerly known as ‘sick notes’).
You can download a patient and employers guide to this: Guide to Fit Notes (PDF, 331KB).
If the illness is:
- Less than 3 days: your employer should not require a Fitness for Work note
- Between 3 and 7 days: you should hand your employer a "self certificate" (SC1). You do not need to see the doctor for this
- We do not issue fit notes before 7 days of illness even as a private chargeable service. (information about your employment rights can be found online and in the Guide to Fit Notes (PDF, 331KB). You can provide this to your employer if they are disputing your rights)
- You are able to return to work at any time even before a sick note expires if you feel you are fit.
- There are no "return to work" notes anymore, and the practice does not provide these even as a private chargeable service. If you or your employer has concerns about your suitability to return to work, advice should be sought from an occupational health service.
Please visit the Department for Work and Pensions website for more information.
By law medical evidence is not required for the first 7 days of sickness. Fit notes will not be given for absences of less than 7 days.
After 7 days it is for your employer to determine what evidence they require if any, from you. This does not always need to be a fit note from a GP. You are legally entitled to return to work before a fit not ends without any documentation from the doctor.
If you are putting a request for a fit note extension please be advised these request may take up to 5 working days.